This Department deals with highly varied works, among which the most salient are signalling and equipment of infrastructures. This includes our own traffic sign factory. ‘Mobility’ refers to activities such as on-street parking management, improvement works and equipment of urban areas or restoration of bridges. We also carry out cleaning activities of pipes, walls, as well as restoration of buildings façades.
As for signing, imesAPI has the capability to manufacture any type of signs to be installed on public roads, traffic signs, posters, urban information signs, tourism signage, interior signage, environmental signs, street signs, etc. The sign factory has more than 7500 m2 of buildings divided into six spaces for each of the manufacturing processes.
Regarding the equipment of civil engineering infrastructure, the company also performs road marking and installation of barriers, beacons and intelligent transport systems (ITS) for both roads and airports.
In terms of services to municipalities, the company manages Services of “on-street parking”, performs works on improving urban environments or building bike lanes with outstanding success. The design of plans for mobility and signalling for municipalities is of special interest.
The “Rehabilitation” subdivision performs restoration and renovation works of bridges and building façades. It also carries out the painting of pylons, electrical substations, material storage containers, etc. We also do works with high pressure water, which allow cleaning of tunnels and concrete walls.
Cleaning activity is carried out by COSERSA, another company of imesAPI Group. It performs inspection and renovation of pipelines, cesspooling and cleaning of pipelines.