Thursday October 3rd, 2024

Funding body
Subsidized by the CDTI.
Research and develop a Dynamic Inductive Charging System on the road, which allows the recharging of vehicles in motion, particularly heavy vehicles.
CARDHIN is fully aligned with the mission “Sustainable and intelligent mobility”. Particularly, CARDHIN will focus on electro-mobility through the development of charging systems and infrastructure embedded in the road, which will allow the on-the-go charging of electric vehicles, therefore promoting viable and feasible mobility models for users that contribute to the reduction of emissions from vehicles due to the massive implementation of electric vehicles, mainly in long-distance transport vehicles, both for passengers and goods, but with the expectation that this same technology can be extended to all types of vehicles with specific needs. of traveling many kilometers without time or opportunity to perform static recharges, in peri-urban and urban environments.
The project also studies the energy support that H2 obtained directly through renewable sources can provide in the surroundings of roads, which will reduce the future environmental impact of electrifying all highways and highways.
The project aims to generate knowledge and place Spain at the forefront of these technologies, developing a holistic vision that takes into account all the required infrastructures, their total life costs, the recyclability of their components, impacts of all kinds and resilience. of the solution.
API Movilidad is the leader and coordinator of the project, leading the research on the needs of the materials for the insertion of induction technology in the asphalt and carrying out a pilot test on dynamic inductive recharging in the Madrid area . Thus taking another step in its strategy of anticipating market needs, acquiring a leadership position for when the technology is fully developed and its large-scale installation is considered.